
Another of the most common garden pests. Ladybugs love to eat them and ants love to herd them. Yup, ants herd aphids to collect the honeydew they excrete as they suck the juice from your plants. Ants eat the honeydew and will actually defend the aphids from aggressors. There are all different sorts of aphids. Some of them are specific to certain plants and some of them are more opportunistic. Aphids have many predators and if you grow the right plants to support the right predators you can have an army of beneficial insects waiting to put down any aphid uprising. Predators of aphids include ladybugs, hoverfly larvae, parasitic wasps, aphid midge larvae, crab spiders and lacewings.

Ants tending aphids

Ants tending aphids

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Ants tending aphids

Ants tending aphids

About Stalk of Fennel

I like to grow stuff I can use!
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