Kern’s Flower Scarab

Kern's Flower Scarab

Kern's Flower Scarab. Also know as the Plains Bumble Scarab.

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This species is extremely variable in its color and pattern ranging from all black to nearly all yellow with all stages in between

In the fall the adult burrows into the soil to overwinter. They emerge in the spring to mate, after which the female searches out moist decaying matter to lay her eggs in.  The eggs hatch into scarab’s grub larval stage.  Although the grubs will chew roots they mostly feed on decaying organic matter such as leaves and rotting wood.  I think they’re beneficial since they’re pollinators but also minor pests because they will chew plant roots.  In the picture above it sure does look like this beetle’s taken a few munches out of those flower petals.

About Stalk of Fennel

I like to grow stuff I can use!
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